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Bitcoin lyrics written by Tuxavant and sung to Selena Gomez’s “I love you like a love song”.

Performed by Kryptina, DefconKids MVH 2012 and bitcoin miner since 2010. Featuring James Brown Jr.

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Kryptina 1EFiFs8pgRbgpxC3v8s1Zqc9EjFKq3TLoL

James 1NchB7UXDk7SNMAuL58evrAGT4R1auWfxL

QE said and done all your fiat inflates to beyond the sun
But no more because now there’s a better one
不过再也不会这样了 因为已经遇见最好的她
And its properties perform better than all the rest of them
她品质优良 独立出众
Its mathematical no more double spends its encryptable
无双重支付 数字加密 深深让我着迷
Put your cash in your brain,or its wearable
你自把她默记脑中 任岁月打磨 她矢志不渝
A new form of wealth begins ,And I want you to know ‘to shi’
恍若云开 我已拥有满怀星月 而我想让你知道‘中本聪’
I,I love to earn my digital gravey
I.I love to spend my bitcoins,matey
I.I love satoshi’s Bitcoins .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
Rewords keep comin’ Repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat
I,I like my bitcoins not so shadey
我喜爱我的比特币 如此明亮动人
So, So send me one more bitcoin ,Maybe
所以 可以的话请再给我一个币
I,I love satoshi’s bitcoin .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
ASICS dying form all the heat-heat-heat-heat
Constantly,miners hashing blocks so securely
未曾间断 矿工安全得挖着矿
There’s no chargebacks signups, or other fees
比特币不会要你退款  也不收手续费
Bitcoins sent to me from your private keys
只能通过你的私人密匙  发送给我
And I feel like we’ve been rescurd
我深切觉得 这使我们免受损失
Mankind set free from the bonds of debt based currency .
区别于人类以债务债券为基础的 自由形式的货币
Irrversible. deflatable . divisible .cleverly
它不可逆转 紧缩性 可拆分性 小巧轻便
So,I want you to know ‘toshi’
I,I love to earn my digital gravey
I.I love to spend my bitcoins,matey
I.I love satoshi’s Bitcoins .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
ASICS dying form all the heat-heat-heat-heat
I,I like my bitcoins not so shadey
我喜爱我的比特币 如此明丽动人
So, So send me one more bitcoin ,Maybe
所以 可以的话请再给我一个币
I,I love satoshi’s bitcoin .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
ASICS hashing to the beat-beat-beat-beat
ASICS被挖矿声环绕 节奏明快 余音袅袅
Designed to be scarce their worth alone beats every record We’ve known
稀缺罕见 他们的价值超出我们的认知范畴
A SHA for each block that’s now miners roll and the blockchain goes on and on
Toshi got this program penned to solve the problem of double spends
回想这个程序的诞生 中本聪是要解决重复支付的问题
Proof of work with all that hash making us some digital cash
现如今 哈希算法的运作足以证明 它使我们拥有一些数字现金
Miners stack to save our spends share their answers with all their friends
矿工们苦思冥想减少支付  并乐于与朋友分享结果
Silicon brains write chains of blocks while Keynes can’t refrain from throwing rocks
在智脑编写区块代码的年代  凯恩斯一语激起千层浪
So all you fools shorting ‘toshi’ bugs and statists with your glasses rosey
你们这些傻瓜鼠目寸光 尽情嘲笑中本聪的疯狂 却拿着假玫瑰潇洒走开
when the world finds out we can’t inflate
You’ll join this party fashionably
I,I love to earn my digital gravey
I.I love to spend my bitcoins,matey
I.I love satoshi’s Bitcoins .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
Rewords keep comin’ Repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat
I,I like my bitcoins not so shadey
我喜爱我的比特币 如此明丽动人
So, So send me one more bitcoin ,Maybe
所以 可以的话请再给我一个币
I,I love satoshi’s bitcoin .baby
我是如此钟爱中本聪的比特币 宛如恩赐
ASICS hashing to the beat-beat-beat-beat
ASICS被击打声环绕 节奏明快 余音袅袅





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