译者: majer
时间:2011年6月23日 09:04
Digital currencies 数字货币 Bits and bob Bitcoin has got geeks excited. What about economists? |
MILTON FRIEDMAN famously called for the abolition of the Federal Reserve, which he thought ought to be replaced by an automated system that would increase the money supply at a predetermined rate and so keep a lid on inflation. A virtual version of this now exists.
Bitcoin, the world’s “first decentralised digital currency”, was devised in 2009 by a programmer called Satoshi Nakomoto (thought not to be his, or her, real name). Unlike other virtual monies, such as Second Life’s Linden dollars, it can be used to purchase real-world goods and services. And rather than relying on a central monetary authority to monitor transactions and manage the money supply, Bitcoin is run by a peer-to-peer network (akin to file-sharing services like BitTorrent).
比特币——世界上首种“去央行化货币”——于2009年提出,首倡者是一位叫做中本聪(Satoshi Nakomoto,这个名字可能不是真名)的程序员。与其他虚拟货币(比如林登币)不同的是,比特币可用于购买真实世界中的商品和服务。比特币不需要依赖中央货币当局来监控交易和管理货币供给,而是在一个点对点网络中运行(类似于文件共享的BitTorrent)。
This absence of a central monetary authority to control the money supply is what many find exciting about Bitcoins. Quantitative easing is not possible. Coins are created at a constant average rate to reward users who give up some of their computing power to track and validate transactions that are made with the currency*.
The rate at which Bitcoins are minted is designed to mimic the extraction of minerals. As the most accessible resources are exhausted, the supply dwindles. The Bitcoin supply increases at a rate of 300 coins every hour on average at the moment, but every four years that rate will fall by a half. The total supply will level off at 21m coins or so around 2030. That appeals to those who distrust paper currencies.
The currency can be used by anyone (unlike credit cards), anywhere. Transaction costs are also likely to be lower than those for traditional payment systems, though they are not zero. Some are reflected in the hardware and energy used to police the system. Some creep in whenever those who have no wish to mine Bitcoins themselves purchase them for dollars, euros and other currencies at specialised websites such as Mt Gox.
比特币可以被任何人(这点不同于信用卡)在任何地点使用。交易成本也可能低于传统支付系统,但还不能做到零成本。一些费用体现在维护系统所需的硬件和能源上。如果你不想使用比特币,可以在Mt Gox等专门网站上将它们兑换为美元、欧元和其他货币,但兑换过程也要消耗一些比特币。
Critics point out that Bitcoins suffer the same flaws as other metal-based currencies with finite supply. Many economists put at least part of the blame for the severity of the Depression on the strictures of the gold standard, as countries clung to gold and put off stimulus. In the case of Bitcoins, some think that decreasing the rate of money creation over time will entail deflation. People who own Bitcoins will prefer to hold on to them rather than spend them, because deflation will mean that their stash of Bitcoins will buy more real goods in the future than now.
That assumes that Bitcoins are something people are happy to take in return for goods, or at least to exchange for paper money. As wild swings in their dollar price have demonstrated, the currency is young and illiquid—only 6.5m units are currently in circulation among some 10,000 users (including several hundred merchants who accept payment in Bitcoins).
Attracting enough users to smooth such volatility seems unlikely in the foreseeable future. Established fiat currencies—ones where bills and coins, or their digital versions, get their value by dint of regulation or law—are underwritten by the state which is, in principle at least, answerable to its citizens. Bitcoin, by contrast, is a community currency that requires self-policing on the part of its users. Most people would rather devolve this sort of responsibility to the authorities.
Moreover, Bitcoin may be useful for trading goods and services but it does not yet allow borrowing or lending. In the physical world this happens through financial intermediaries: you put money in a bank, and someone else borrows it. A virtual Bitcoin bank might spring up but that would create problems of its own. How would a saver be assured that he would get his money back when he wants? If a bank got into trouble, who would be the lender of last resort? The usual answer is a central bank: exactly what Bitcoin is trying to avoid. Bitcoin is technically sophisticated. As a monetary system, it looks primitive.
- yannanchen
- The total supply will level off at 21m coins or so around 2030. 供给潜力大概会在2030年告罄,总供给量为2100万枚。???
level off 是持平的意思, 如果以时间为横轴,货币供给量为纵轴, 这条total supply曲线是递增的, 一阶导数为正, 但是递增的速度是递减的, 二阶导数为负,2100万枚附近有一条渐近线。
- 引用yannanchen
- 本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-6-23 19:38 编辑
新的比特币是由网络节点在完成一个特定数学问题计算之后生产出的。这些数学计算需要相当的运算能力才能完成,并能够通过生成有效运算工作的证明来检验。在比特币网络中运算难度可以自动调节,在最初的四年里会有10,500,000个BTC被制造出来,这个数值每四年减半,所以在第四到第八年中会有5,250,000个BTC被制造,在第8到第12年中会生产2,625,000个BTC,以此类推。因此最终比特币的数额会趋近于21,000,000个BTC。技术上讲,目前的数据结构下一个比特币可以被分割到8位小数,所以0.00000001BTC是目前的最小单位。如果将来有需要的话,再考虑更小的分割单位。即使比特币的允许精度从目前的8位小数扩展,最终流通中的比特币将总是略低于2100万(假定其他参数不变)。例如,如果引入16位小数精度,最终的比特币总额将是20999999.999999999496 BTC。
- 引用yannanchen
- Some (= some transaction costs)creep in whenever those who have no wish to mine Bitcoins themselves purchase them for dollars, euros and other currencies at specialised websites such as Mt Gox.如果你不想使用比特币,可以在Mt Gox等专门网站上将它们兑换为美元、欧元和其他货币,但兑换过程也要消耗一些比特币。
评论: bitcoin的获得有两种途径, 一是自行开发(或开矿), 即mine (mining), 但是这越来越难,见下述引文(wiki)。趋势是用合作的方式开矿, 叫做mining pool。 一是靠用真货币换取,即这里的purchase them (bitcoin)for dollars, euros and other currencies。 译成:将它们兑换为美元、欧元和其他货币,完全搞反了。
In order to make sybil attacks against the block-chain consensus practically infeasible, the generation of a Bitcoin block requires finding the solution to a difficult cryptographic proof-of-work problem. Nodes which are attempting to generate blocks are called “miners”. They repeatedly try solving instances of the problem through trial and error, each attempt having an equal and very low prior chance of being a correct solution. The probability of success is adjusted automatically by the protocol[citation needed] in steps after 2016 blocks have been created to regulate the rate of new block creation. As a result, the rate at which a given user will solve blocks depends on the computing power that user contributes to the network relative to the computing power of all nodes combined.[21] All newly announced blocks are validated by all Bitcoin nodes to ensure that they conform to the protocol rules before they are accepted, added to the block chain, and forwarded on.
Because block solutions arise out of an independent random process, block creation by the Bitcoin network can be described as a Poisson process. The protocol adjusts the problem difficulty so that the distribution mean is λ = 2016 blocks per two weeks, so there are roughly ten minutes between the creation of new blocks on average (the wait times between events in a Poisson process follow an exponential distribution). The difficulty updates happen every 2016 blocks. The difficulty is set to the value that would have most likely caused the prior 2016 blocks to take two weeks to complete, given the same computational effort (according to the timestamps recorded in the blocks).[22] All nodes perform and enforce the same difficulty calculation.
In addition to the pending transactions which are confirmed in the block, a generating node adds a “generate” transaction which awards new Bitcoins to the operator of the node which generated the block. The payout of this generated transaction is set according to the inflation schedule programmed into the protocol. The process of solving blocks is often referred to as “mining”, a term analogous to gold mining in reference to the coins brought into existence by the generate transactions.[1] The “miner” which generates a block also receives the surplus from any transactions that have input value in excess of the output value, effectively a transaction fee which provides an incentive to give a transaction priority for faster confirmation.
The proof-of-work problems are especially suitable to GPUs and specialized hardware. Because of the growing computing power behind the system driving the difficulty to high levels, individual contributors with typical CPUs are no longer likely to solve a block on their own but can still receive part of the Bitcoin generated in a new block by contributing their processing power to a mining pool.[23] This increased difficulty makes it cost prohibitive for an attacker to perform double-spending attacks so it is beneficial to the system.
The number of Bitcoins created per block is never more than 50 BTC, and the awards are programmed to decrease over time towards zero, such that no more than 21 million will ever exist.[10] As this payout decreases, the motive for users to run block-generating nodes is expected to change to earning transaction fees, funding from supporting auxiliary block-chains,[24] and simply to improve the security of the public Bitcoin infrastructure they depend on.
- 引用yannanchen
- Idiom: Bits and bobs
Idiom Definitions for ‘Bits and bobs’——————————————————————————–Bits and bobs are small, remnant articles and things- the same as ‘odds and ends’.
- 引用yannanchen
- 无中心服务器的对等网络系统
基于中心服务器的对等网络系统端对端技术(peer-to-peer, 简称P2P)又称对等互联网络技术,是一种网络新技术,依赖网络中参与者的计算能力和带宽,而不是把依赖都聚集在较少的几台服务器上。请注意与point-to-point之间的区别,peer-to-peer一般译为端对端或者群对群,指对等网中的节点;point-to-point一般译为点对点,对应于普通网络节点。P2P网络通常用于通过Ad Hoc连接来连接节点。这类网络可以用于多种用途,各种文件共享软件已经得到了广泛的使用。P2P技术也被使用在类似VoIP等实时媒体业务的数据通信中。纯点对点网络没有客户端或服务器的概念,只有平等的同级节点,同时对网络上的其它节点充当客户端和服务器。这种网络设计模型不同于客户端-服务器模型,在客户端-服务器模型中通信通常来往于一个中央服务器。有些网络(如Napster、OpenNAP,或IRC @find)的一些功能(比如搜索)使用客户端-服务器结构,而使用P2P结构来实现另外一些功能。类似Gnutella或Freenet的网络则使用纯P2P结构来实现全部的任务。一般报章都称P2P是点对点技术,但其实是错的,实为解作群对群(Peer-to-Peer)。在虚拟私人网络VPN (Virtual Private Network)中,也有P2P这个名称,它才是真正解作点对点(Point-to-Point)。
- 引用yannanchen
- 本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2011-6-23 20:29 编辑
第二人生 维基百科,
第二人生(Second Life,英文缩写为SL)是一个基于因特网的虚拟世界,在2006年末和2007年初由于主流新闻媒体的报道而受到广泛的关注。[3][4] 通过由Linden实验室开发的一个可下载的客户端程序,用户,在游戏里叫做”居民”,可以通过可运动的虚拟化身互相交互。这套程序还在一个通常的元宇宙的基础上提供了一个高层次的社交网络服务。居民们可以四处逛逛,会碰到其他的居民,社交,参加个人或集体活动,制造和相互交易虚拟财产和服务。第二人生作为虚拟世界之一,无疑受到了计算机朋克文学运动的启发,尤其是Neal Stephenson的小说Snow Crash。Linden实验室说他们的目标正是要创造一个像Stephenson描述的元宇宙样的世界。在这个世界里,人们可以自己定义与别人交互,玩耍,做买卖,交流的独特的方式。[5] 第二人生的虚拟货币叫做Linden Dollar (Linden, or L$)。你可以在由居民组成的专门市场,Linden实验室和一些实体公司把它兑换成美元。
尽管第二人生有时被认为是一个游戏,但它没有积分、积点、赢家、输家、等级、一个最终战略,或者像其他游戏拥有的一些特点。现在总计大约有500万用户注册,但很多用户都不太活跃,并且有些居民有多个帐号。尽管在这个领域比较突出,但第二人生还是有很多竞争者的,包括Active Worlds,There,和一些新进入的竞争者,比如Entropia Universe, 由我世界(uWorld),Dotsoul虚拟公园, Red Light Center, 和Kaneva。
目录 [隐藏]
- 引用yannanchen
- MILTON FRIEDMAN famously called for the abolition of the Federal Reserve, which he thought ought to be replaced by an automated system that would increase the money supply at a predetermined rate and so keep a lid on inflation. A virtual version of this now exists.米尔顿•弗里德曼有个著名的论断——他呼吁取消美联储,替之以按事先决定的增长率供给的自动系统,以此来抑制通货膨胀。如今,这一系统的虚拟版出现了。
评论: 米尔顿•弗里德曼有个著名的呼吁——他建议取消美联储,代之以一个自动化的系统,按预定的速度增加货币供应,以此来抑制通货膨胀。如今,这一系统的虚拟版出现了。
- 引用yannanchen
- Bitcoin, the world’s “first decentralised digital currency”, was devised in 2009 by a programmer called Satoshi Nakomoto (thought not to be his, or her, real name). 比特币——世界上首种“去央行化货币”——于2009年提出,
- 引用yannanchen
- 本文的一个自相矛盾的地方:
比特币是以“恒定的平均速度创造”? 还是“每隔四年,增速都会减少一半”?
Coins are created at a constant average rate to reward users who give up some of their computing power to track and validate transactions that are made with the currency*.
比特币以恒定的平均速度创造,用来奖励牺牲计算能力来跟踪和确认比特币交易的用户。The rate at which Bitcoins are minted is designed to mimic the extraction of minerals. As the most accessible resources are exhausted, the supply dwindles. The Bitcoin supply increases at a rate of 300 coins every hour on average at the moment, but every four years that rate will fall by a half. The total supply will level off at 21m coins or so around 2030.比特币的铸造速度模拟了矿产开发。随着最容易获得的资源逐渐枯竭,比特币的供给也会减缓。现在,比特币的供给量大概是每小时300枚,但每隔四年,增速都会减少一半。供给潜力大概会在2030年告罄,总供给量为2100万枚。
- 引用Hongdouban
- 大家都好厉害啊,我的榜样!!!
- 引用kool
Some creep in whenever those who have no wish to mine Bitcoins themselves purchase them for dollars, euros and other currencies at specialised websites such as Mt Gox.
如果你不想使用比特币,可以在Mt Gox等专门网站上将它们兑换为美元、欧元和其他货币,但兑换过程也要消耗一些比特币。似乎翻译反了。
如果不想mine【挖?反正就是在网上赚】比特币,可以在Mt Gox等专门网站上将用美元、欧元和其他货币购买比特币